XML News from Thursday, January 22, 2004

I've posted the notes from last night's XQuery presentation at the XML Developer's Network of the Capitol District, where a good time as had by all. I have also posted the third alpha of XQuisitor, my GUI tool for querying XML documents based on XQuery and Saxon. Alpha 3 adds support for printing, fixes some bugs, cleans up the user interface, is better integrated with Mac OS X and Windows, and externalizes most strings to support future localization. The build file can now create a single runnable JAR archive that doesn't require you to put Saxon in the bootclasspath, though for the moment I'm not distributing that because of license conflicts.

XQuisitor has been tested primarily on Linux and a little on Mac OS X 10.2. It should run on any Java 1.4 platform, but I haven't verified that. Java 1.4 and Saxon 7.8 are required. XQuisitor is published under the GPL.