2007 Readings about XML
- Performance Research, Part 2: Browser Cache Usage - Exposed!
(Yahoo! User Interface Blog)
- Best Practices for Speeding Up Your Web Site(developer.yahoo.com)
- Citizendium's Sanger on Google Knol: not afraid of a rerun
(Ars Technica)
- Adobe, Omniture in hot water for snooping on CS3 users
(Ars Technica)
- This Boring Headline Is Written for Google
(New York Times)
- David Byrne's Survival Strategies for Emerging Artists — and Megastars
- The Deprecated “Smoke Screen” of MS Office Open XML (OOXML)
(Fanatic Attack)
- Web 2.0 Can Be Dangerous (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
(Jakob Nielsen)
- XML Entity definitions for Characters
(David Carlisle)
- A Sad Milestone: AOL To Discontinue Netscape Browser Development
- Long Bet Winner: Weblogs vs. The New York Times
- Protectionism and My Stuffy Nose
(Mises Institute)
- Wordpress ZeroDay Vulnerability Roundhouse Kick and why I nearly wrote the first Wordpress Blog Worm (updated)
- The <module> Tag
(Douglas Crockford)
- Detailed Post-Mortem of a Website Hack Through WordPress & How To Protect Your WordPress Blog From Hacking
- Douglas Crockford's The Department of Style - No Script
(Yahoo! 360°)
- WARNING: Google’s GMail security failure leaves my business sabotaged
(: David Airey :: Graphic and Logo Designer)
- Christmas of controversy for Google Reader team
(Ars Technica)
- The Google Enigma
(Strategy Business)
- Ensuring your HTML emails look great and get delivered
(Vitamin Features)
- Overdoing accessibility
(456 Berea Street)
- POSH - Plain Old Semantic HTML
(456 Berea Street)
- Breakfast with an Apple lawyer
(The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs)
- Hands on with Mozilla Weave: Personalize your own cloud
(Ars Technica)
- Manage ODF and Microsoft Office 2007 documents with DB2 9 pureXML
(IBM developerWorks)
- FOIA reform: Bloggers are journalists, too
(Ars Technica)
- Google vs. Yahoo
(Andy Delcambre)
- Internet Explorer 8 and Acid2: A Milestone
- First look: Firefox 3 beta 2 officially released
(Ars Technica)
- Google Gets Ready to Rumble With Microsoft
(New York Times)
- The Depth of eBay’s Problems 2: Angry Sellers
( Bits - Technology - New York Times Blog)
- Microsoft Watch - Web Services & Browser - R.I.P.
(The Web 2.0 Office Suite)
- Yes, There Can Be Life After Word
( New York Times)
- STREST (Service-Trampled REST) Will Break Web 2.0
( What Not How)
- Amazon SimpleDB™- Limited Beta
(Amazon Web Services)
- Opera tries to force IE into W3C compliance with EU complaint; Firefox's success may work against it
(Ars Technica)
- Why Wireless Isn't Wide Open
- Encouraging people to contribute knowledge
(Official Google Blog)
- Complaint: FTC, law firm hiding DoubleClick conflict
- Is Google a Grinch or a good guy?
(Media | The Guardian)
- Opera files EU antitrust suit against Microsoft
(Yahoo! News)
- Movable Type Open Source
(MovableType.org - Home for the MT Community)
- Ask.com Puts a Bet on Privacy
(New York Times)
- Removal of Ogg Vorbis and Theora from HTML5: an outrageous disaster
- Canadian ISP tests injecting content into web pages
(Ars Technica)
- Nokia wants W3C to remove Ogg from upcoming HTML5 standard
(Ars Technica)
- Urgent Call For a Google At-Large Public Ombudsman
(Lauren Weinstein's Blog)
- Google Hijacked -- Major ISP to Intercept and Modify Web Pages
(Lauren Weinstein's Blog)
- ACAP: Don't Look Here! Please Don't Look Here! Or Else?
(Lauren Weinstein's Blog)
- An editor critiques the publishing industry's Automated Content Access Protocol
(Andy Oram)
- December XML Conferences and Meetings
(O'Reilly XML Blog)
- About maintenance of MSOOXML should it become an ISO standard... and some ideas - Updated
- Wikipedia black helicopters circle Utah's Traverse Mountain
(The Register)
- Users, Web developers vent over IE7
- N0940 - WG1 Report Kyoto - ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 34
(Ken Holman)
- Cash Fraudulent Check, Says HSBC
(Ed Foster's Gripelog)
- Secret mailing list rocks Wikipedia
(The Register)
- The GameSpot controversy as a window into the world of gaming journalism
(Ars Technica)
- Mozilla scoffs at vulnerability study rating IE superior to Firefox
(Ars Technica)
- When Networks Collide
(I, Cringely . The Pulpit)
- AT&T quietly rolls out reasonably-priced unbundled DSL
(Surveillance State - CNET Blogs)
- In precedent, Google to hand over blogger's IP address
(Globes Onlin)
- YouTube stops account of Egypt anti-torture activist
(News | Africa - Reuters.com)
- Google Plans Service to Store Users' Data
- New Jersey committee pushes online dating safety bill despite significant flaws
(Ars Technica)
- When cookies are bad
(Berend de Boer)
- The Future of Reading (A Play in Six Acts)
(dive into mark)
- In zombies we trust | Ryan Naraine’s Zero Day
- Memory test - Firefox vs Firefox 3.0 b 1 | Hardware 2.0
( ZDNet.com)
- Ten Things I Hate About You
- What If Gmail Had Been Designed by Microsoft?
(Google Blogoscoped)
- Overly-broad copyright law has made USA a "nation of infringers"
(Ars Technica)
- Reports of Firefox 3.0 bugs overblown, most significant bugs squashed
(Ars Technica)
- First look at Firefox 3.0b1: fast, stable, and full of new features
(Ars Technica)
- Google Milestones
(Google Corporate Information)
- Sun eyes consumer focus for upcoming Java kit
( InfoWorld | News | 2007-11-07 | By Paul Krill)
- Things Turn Ugly in the ‘Hacks vs. Flacks’ War
(New York Times)
- I Want My iTV
- Mozilla responds: Firefox is independent | Surveillance State
(CNET Blogs)
- Infringus maximus! Rowling gets injunction against Harry Potter Lexicon
(Ars Technica)
- Ex-AT&T employee: NSA snooping Internet traffic too
(Ars Technica)
- New bill would punish colleges, students who don't become copyright cops
(Ars Technica)
- XML Matters: XML and compression
- A New Headache for Courts: Blogging Jurors
- OpenSocial: It's the data, stupid
(Tim O'Reilly)
- Facebook Rolls Out Highly Targeted Viral Ad System
( Epicenter from Wired.com)
- Yahoo Execs Defend Role in Arrest
- 'Old fuddy-duddy' fights back over Google sacking
(BizTech - Technology)
- I, robot: The man behind the Google Phone
(CNET News.com)
- High-Cost Usability Sometimes Makes Sense
(Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
- CBS 5 Investigates Complaints About Webloyalty
- Fox News faces wrath from right and left over debate footage stance
(Ars Technica)
- First looks at OpenSocial: part 1 (URLs)
(Megginson Technologies: Quoderat)
- Suicide by strike
(Marc Andreesen)
- Programming the World in a Browser Real Men Don't Do JavaScript Do They? !
(JOT: Journal of Object Technology)
- First Look: Google Presentations
- Google's OpenSocial: Technical Overview and Critique
(Dare Obasanjo's Carnage4Life Blog )
- MySpace joins Google's OpenSocial project
(Macworld: News)
- Create a photo album application with Project Zero and REST design principles
- Update XML in DB2 9.5
- I, Cringely . The Pulpit . The Next Microsoft
- Open letter to Chris Wilson
(Brendan's Roadmap Updates)
- Mozilla, Microsoft drawing sabers over next JavaScript
- Say goodbye to Blockbuster
(The Digital Home - Don Reisinger blogs about the tech closest to home - CNET Blogs)
- Privacy groups pitch "don't track me" ad server blacklist
(Ars Technica)
- Google goes after Facebook with new OpenSocial social networking API (Updated: Now with more MySpace)
(Ars Technica)
- OpenDocument Foundation drops support for ODF, backs obscure W3C format
(Ars Technica)
- Fair use advocates hit back with copyright principles of their own
(Ars Technica)
- Open Social: a new universe of social applications all over the web
- Generic Commands
(Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
- US tops "dirty dozen" of spam-relaying countries by a landslide
(Ars technica)
- Actor puts Amazon patent in jeopardy
- Sprint unlocking settlement may pressure others to follow
(Ars Technica)
- Kremlin Seeks To Extend Its Reach in Cyberspace
(Washington Post)
- Adam Bosworth Is on the Move Again
- The Future is Cloudy
(I, Cringely . The Pulpit)
- Official: Selling Paid Links Can Hurt Your PageRank Or Rankings On Google
(Search Engine Land)
- ICANN probing "insider trading" allegations with domain name registrations
(Ars Technica)
- Lost in translation: hands-on with Google's new stats-based translator
(Ars Technica)
- The future is bright: Mozilla revenues up 26 percent, Google deal is gold
(Ars Technica)
- Gmail delivers a knockout punch: IMAP changes the "freemail" game
(Ars Technica)
- Teachers' lack of fair use education hinders learning, sets bad example
(Ars Technica)
- Lawsuit over web site accessibility for the blind becomes class action
(Ars Technica)
- Manufacturer Sites that Sell
(Ask Tog)
- A Brief History of Slashdot Part 1, Chips & Dips
- Is WYSIWYG Still Important?
(Java Community News)
- Here Are the Answers to Your Craigslist Questions
(Freakonomics - Opinion - New York Times Blog)
- Convenience Wins, Hubris Loses and Content vs. Context, a Presentation for Some Music Industry Friends
- Intranet Usability Shows Huge Advances
(Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
- Steve Vinoski’s Blog
(The ESB Question)
- SynOA What? Syndicated Application Architectures Come of Age
(O'Reilly XML Blog)
- Thinking XML: Firefox 2.0 and XML
(IBM developerWorks)
- New Beta of WordPerfect with Open XML and ODF support
(Brian Jones: Open XML Formats)
- Personal aides: Worth it?
(Los Angeles Times)
- Breakdowns: A drunk employee kills all of the websites you care about
- It Must Be a Fun Time to Work on Microsoft Office
(Dare Obasanjo aka Carnage4Life)
- Comcast Internet Problem: Part II
(Chris Pirillo)
- History of Calc Solver
(Roundtrip to Shanghai via Tokyo)
- Reinventing FileMaker, Hypercard
(People Over Process)
- Bloggers who risked all to reveal the junta’s brutal crackdown in Burma
(Times Online)
- Spam weapon helps preserve books
(BBC NEWS | Technology)
- FFII awards Microsoft "Best Campaigner against OOXML Standardization" prize
- Blah-Blah Text: Keep, Cut, or Kill?
(Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
- Microformats and URI based extensibility
(Dave Orchard's Blog)
- Every Domainer Is Subsidizing Tasting… Abolish Registration Grace Period
- Scholars give us antiquity — the colorized version
(The Harvard University Gazette)
- Why have municipal Wi-Fi networks been such a flop?
(Tim Wu - Slate Magazine)
- Five Reasons You Won’t Use Amazon MP3…..Yet
(Podcasting News)
- Just how did Microsoft get OOXML support in Eastern Europe?
- Expert: World misunderstands China's Web controls
(CNET News.com)
- Real iTunes killer: Review of Amazon's DRM-less music download store
- Burma cyber-dissidents crack censorship
(BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific)
- Adventures in Spam: Part I
(Defensio, the blog)
- 10 reasons to model XML with RELAX NG , not W3C XML Schema
(Griffin Brown Weblog)
- The three kinds of platforms you meet on the Internet
- Mobile Web developers irate at Vodafone move
- Tabs, Used Right: The 13 Usability Guidelines
(Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
- Does REST need a service description language?
- The One-Way Information Highway
(Ed Foster's Gripelog)
- Can AOL keep Netscape.com from fading away?
(Macworld: News)
- Fancy Formatting, Fancy Words = Looks Like a Promotion = Ignored
(Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
- Your loss of privacy is a package deal
(Los Angeles Times)
- XSLT:PI Parameters
- Google's Cookie
(Google Watch)
- 17 Wordpress Plugins For AdSense
- Why Microsoft deserved to lose the OOXML standards vote
(All about Microsoft | ZDNet.com)
- Continuing Intermittent Incoherency » +1.5 Years: Where Are We Now?
- Are books passe? Web giants envision next chapter
(CNET News.com)
- Go birdwatching with a Birding Pal from Norway.(www.birdingpal.org)
- Per Stenslands Webside(home.online.no)
- Agreeing to Block Some Videos, YouTube Returns to Thailand
(New York Times)
- RESTful Web Services: A Review
(O'Reilly XML Blog)
- Microsoft stumbles in Open XML standards vote
- ISO votes against fast tracking Microsoft's Office Open XML
(Ars Technica)
- Exclusive Opera 9.5 Features & Video
(CyberNet News)
- If this were any other JTC1 Proposal, the OOXML Vote Would be Over Now
- OOXML does not buy its way in Italy | Carlo Piana :: Drupal blog ::
(Carlo Piana)
- S.F. citywide Wi-Fi plan fizzles as provider backs off
(SF gate)
- Viacom hits me with copyright infringement for posting on YouTube a video that Viacom made by infringing on my own copyright!
(The Knight Shift)
- Eric Meyer's CSS Sculptor
(Jeffrey Zeldman Presents)
- What crisis?
(Jeffrey Zeldman Presents)
- Hungarian Standards Institution to reconsider its vote!
- Linux Foundation: Just say "no" to OOXML
(Ars Technica)
- Microsoft admits Swedish employee promised incentives for Open XML support
- The Content in Google Apps Belongs to Google
- India throws MS open format out of the window
(The Economic Times)
- Office 2007 .bin file format
(The Code Project - C# Libraries)
- Microsoft Office XML formats? Defective by design(ooxmlisdefectivebydesign.blogspot.com)
- Science Fiction Writers of America abuses the DMCA (www.boingboing.net)
- Microsoft buys the Swedish vote on OOXML (www.os2world.com)
- Conversation With X/HTML 5 Team (xhtml.com)
- Reason 1567 why I don't trust Journalists (www.cincomsmalltalk.com)
- Suprnova.org relaunches, taunts The Powers That Be (arstechnica.com)
- Meet Copowi, the world's first ISP to guarantee network neutrality: Page 1 (arstechnica.com)
- Rough Type: Nicholas Carr's Blog: My, what a friendly ad (www.roughtype.com)
- How 12 people banded together to make Firefox 1.0 (apcmag.com)
- XML.com: XQuery, the Server Language (www.xml.com)
- IGP Blog :: Whois Privacy Stalemate...Again (blog.internetgovernance.org)
- Going native: Use cases for native XML databases (www.rpbourret.com)
- Microsoft patches flaws in VML, XML (www.securityfocus.com)
- Why Full Text Feeds Actually Increase Page Views (The Freakonomics Explanation) (techdirt.com)
- Web Applications: The Virtues of Top-to-Bottom XML (marklogic.blogspot.com)
- The Future of Software » Blog Archive Data 2.0: How the Web disrupts our relational database world (future.gigaom.com)
- Full Text: Keen vs. Weinberger (online.wsj.com)
- Did Assignment Zero Fail? A Look Back, and Lessons Learned (Wired)
- ThemBid.com » Blog Archive » How to Handle Thousands of Users with Your Blog (blog.thembid.com)
- Griffin Brown Weblog - 10 reasons to model XML with RELAX NG , not W3C XML Schema (www.griffinbrown.co.uk)
- Introduction to screen readers and screen magnifiers (www.456bereastreet.com)
- XML.com: Scaling Up with XQuery, Part 1 (www.xml.com)
- XML.com: Scaling Up with XQuery, Part 2 (www.xml.com)
- REST for SOA at Yahoo! (www.infoq.com)
- Game Over (PBS)
- Massachusetts Falls to OOXML as ITD Punts (www.consortiuminfo.org)
- Shi Tao's case: Yahoo! knew more than they claimed (rconversation.blogs.com)
- Google Web Accelerator considered overzealous (radar.oreilly.com)
- When Elephants Dance (PBS)
- Coding Horror: Better Image Resizing (www.codinghorror.com)
- The limitations of JSON (blogs.sun.com)
- Last Harry Potter leaks online (www.boingboing.net)
- Firefox now a serious threat to IE in Europe: report (www.itwire.com.au)
- The limitations of JSON (blogs.sun.com)
- Gutting the SOAP processing model (stage.vambenepe.com)
- Write Articles, Not Blog Postings (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox) (www.useit.com)
- An Antic Disposition: The Formula for Failure (www.robweir.com)
- 5 1⁄2 lessons that legitimate retailers can learn from pirates (diveintomark.org)
- Warning of data ticking time bomb (BBC)
- Anti-Piracy Gang Launches their own Video Download Site to Trap People (torrentfreak.com)
- An AIR of Invisibility (PBS)
- Kestrel is coming! (my.opera.com)
- Proposed Amendment Would Ban All DVD Copying (www.pcmag.com)
- FEDERATED MEDIA: Microsoft pays star writers to recite slogan (valleywag.com)
- Opera Software reshuffles after struggle (news.yahoo.com)
- The Google Connection (PBS)
- Apple Sees XSLT Light, Adds Javascript Invokable Client-side Transforms to Safari 3 (www.oreillynet.com)
- Users rage against China's 'Great Firewall' (www.cnn.com)
- Are Unfair Takedowns Becoming EBay's Trademark? (www.gripe2ed.com)
- English Wikipedia unblocked in China (www.macworld.com)
- Computer Cookies and How They Crumble (New York Times)
- W3C's openness hypocrisy: Public barred from 'public' conference (news.com)
- The Seduction of AT&T (PBS)
- Review: Safari for Windows Offers No Compelling Reason to Switch (blog.wired.com)
- Wired News Benchmarks Show Safari 3 Is Slower Than IE 7, Firefox (blog.wired.com)
- Slashing Subjective Time (www.asktog.com)
- Change vs. Stability in Web Usability Guidelines (www.useit.com)
- Mike Volpi's trek from Cisco to Joost - page 2 (news.com)
- Watchdog group slams Google on privacy (news.yahoo.com)
- TorrentSpy ordered to start tracking visitors (news.com)
- First look: Firefox 3 alpha 5 (arstechnica.com)
- Netscape releases Netscape Navigator 9 beta 1 (www.linux.com)
- Firefox 3.0 may block sites fingered by Google (www.computerworld.com)
- WordPress vs. Movable Type: Open Source Blogging Software Showdown » Publishing 2.0 (publishing2.com)
- What's Wrong with WADL? (www.25hoursaday.com)
- Google Photos Stir a Debate Over Privacy (New York Times)
- Bombshell from RealNetworks: Rip/Save/Burn "All" Online Video Fomats with New Player...Clips from YouTube and Yahoo Are Easily Downloaded (www.beet.tv)
- Every good domain is taken. Here's why. (www.niallkennedy.com)
- Google Maps is spying on my cat, says freaked out BB reader (www.boingboing.net)
- AP steps up online copyright protection - Yahoo! News (news.yahoo.com)
- Apple hides account info in DRM-free music, too (arstechnica.com)
- Which ISPs Are Spying on You? (Wired)
- Doing Evil to the Internet: Google and Yahoo! Promote Domain Squatting (www.25hoursaday.com)
- Working with Facebook f8: you are not in control of your access (www.vecosys.com)
- Google Deal Said to Bring U.S. Scrutiny (New York Times)
- Writing a book collaboratively? (www.markshuttleworth.com)
- Firefox 3.0 passes major milestone (www.linuxworld.com.au)
- WordPress Community Vulnerable (blogsecurity.net)
- The New Rules of PR and Marketing (www.cincomsmalltalk.com)
- The Final Days of Google (PBS)
- RESTful Web Services « Jon Udell (blog.jonudell.net)
- Kevin Ham, the $300 million master of Web domains (money.cnn.com)
- AD & SUBTRACT By HOLLY M. SANDERS (www.nypost.com)
- Google is Buying FeedBurner this is pure Evil! (www.geeknewscentral.com)
- Boycott Linked In and Plaxo — a rant (www.danwei.org)
- New software can identify you from your online habits (www.newscientisttech.com)
- Google turns the page… in a bad way. (blog.opendns.com)
- Firefox Is Getting Mac OS X-native Controls - Just a preview build for now... (news.softpedia.com)
- Risk Is for Losers (PBS)
- Yahoo 'censored' Flickr comments (BBC)
- A history lesson from Usenet (chuqui.typepad.com)
- XML Parser Benchmarks: Part 1 (www.xml.com)
- Microsoft delays Office converters for Mac (news.com)
- Anonymous Posting Returns, I Hope (www.gripe2ed.com)
- Sun Microsystems joins porting effort for OpenOffice.org for Mac (blogs.sun.com)
- PC World Editor Quits Over Apple Story (blog.wired.com)
- Introducing Robots-Nocontent for Page Sections (www.ysearchblog.com)
- Squid is My Service Bus (www.mnot.net)
- Army Squeezes Soldier Blogs, Maybe to Death (Wired)
- Reset Reloaded (meyerweb.com)
- Lost in Abstraction - What Went Wrong with GML (cfis.savagexi.com)
- Microsoft "rebooted the Web" yesterday (scobleizer.com)
- Stuff to Think About: How I got banned from Digg (www.cjmillisock.com)
- What’s next for Internet Explorer? Microsoft opens up (a little) (blogs.zdnet.com)
- Digg This: 09-f9-11-02-9d-74-e3-5b-d8-41-56-c5-63-56-88-c0 (blog.digg.com)
- Tag Soup: How UAs handle <x> <y> </x> </y> (ln.hixie.ch)
- Why we won’t help you (diveintomark.org)
- The pangs of two becoming one (news.com)
- Condemned To Google Hell (www.forbes.com)
- NBC Believes They Own Political Discourse, They Are Shameful and Wrong (www.kevinbondelli.com)
- I finally get REST. Wow. (pluralsight.com)
- O'Reilly Radar > Six Basic Truths of Free APIs (radar.oreilly.com)
- Ironic Sans: Idea: Uncensor the Internet with Greasemonkey (www.ironicsans.com)
- The free-speech fundamentals of Freewebs (news.com)
- » MS Office 2007 versus Open Office 2.2 shootout (blogs.zdnet.com)
- It is what it is: Rosa Parks Rides the Enterprise Service Bus (www.palladiumconsulting.com)
- Picking a good template ~ CSS Slicing Guide (www.csslicingguide.com)
- Introducing http:BL (www.projecthoneypot.org)
- Adobe Flex goes open source (blogs.zdnet.com)
- Google and privacy (www.mattcutts.com)
- Adobe to Open Source Flex (www.adobe.com)
- Mozilla extends Firefox support to mid-May (www.macworld.com)
- 13 people indicted in $3 million credit card fraud (www.cnn.com)
- Yahoo sued for informing China on dissidents (www.cnn.com)
- Google Apps to take on PowerPoint (InfoWorld)
- How Google Blogsearch ranks your Posts… In their own words! (www.problogger.net)
- Alexa's Indelicate Handling of Statsaholic » RonHornbaker.com (ronhornbaker.com)
- Google CEO says company isn't after Powerpoint (InfoWorld)
- Amazon sues Alexaholic…everyone loses! (blogs.zdnet.com)
- David Byrne Journal: 4.1.07: Your Government Working for You (journal.davidbyrne.com)
- Atom Publishing Protocol Interop a Success (www.oreillynet.com)
- Domain Name System shows signs of stress from financial maneuverings (www.computerworld.com)
- Internet Names the Wrong Killer (blog.wired.com)
- Wordpress Performance: Why My Site Is So Much Faster Than Yours by Elliott Back (elliottback.com)
- Product Activation Sucks (fishbowl.pastiche.org)
- Cookie-Based Counting Overstates Size of Web Site Audiences (www.comscore.com)
- Show Numbers as Numerals When Writing for Online Readers (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox) (www.useit.com)
- Comcast Silently Terminates Broadband Customers (www.gripe2ed.com)
- Microsoft, Adobe Set A Collision Course on Web (online.wsj.com)
- » Flash Player 9 has 84.3% penetration as of March (blogs.zdnet.com)
- Tim Sneath : Introducing Microsoft Silverlight (blogs.msdn.com)
- 5 Golden Tips For WordPress Performance Optimization / Slashdot-Digg Protection (blog.taragana.com)
- Google Faces Brain Drain As Anniversaries Hit t (www.redorbit.com)
- Suing a Blogger (billhobbs.com)
- Google Earth maps out Darfur atrocities (www.cnn.com)
- Code of Conduct: Lessons Learned So Far (radar.oreilly.com)
- WS-* in the Springtime, O Joy (www.tbray.org)
- WS-Federation TC roundup and thoughts (www.xmlgrrl.com)
- Saxon diaries :: Saxon vs Xalan Performance; and DOM (saxonica.blogharbor.com)
- How Microsoft could crush Google in one easy step. Seriously. (www.reluctantblogger.com)
- Breadcrumb Navigation Increasingly Useful (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox) (www.useit.com)
- Online Booksellers Face Higher Costs for Shipping Abroad (New York Times)
- EFF lawyer warns of e-learning patent dangers (arstechnica.com)
- Why Hasn't XUL Taken Off? (www.weiqigao.com)
- Why Wordpress.com is Virtually Spam Free (www.plagiarismtoday.com)
- James Clark's Random Thoughts (blog.jclark.com)
- Code of conduct or not? (scobleizer.com)
- Why Are We *Still* Confusing “Blogging Code of Conduct” With “Having a Comments Policy”? (www.deepjiveinterests.com)
- Draft Blogger's Code of Conduct (radar.oreilly.com)
- Leveraging the Web: Caching (www.mnot.net)
- Blogger freed after record contempt stint (www.cnn.com)
- xforms vs. ruby - a rebuttal (sort of) (www.oreillynet.com)
- Measuring Web Site Usability (www.readwriteweb.com)
- Your Homepage Should be The Application! (atank.interlogy.com)
- WS-DuckTyping (blog.springframework.com)
- Verizon Bans P2P, Streaming Services and Online Gaming. (torrentfreak.com)
- Thunderbird 2.0 To Launch This Week - Interview with Scott MacGregor, Lead Engineer (www.readwriteweb.com)
- REST Tip: Deep etags give you more benefits. (bitworking.org)
- Two more reasons why validation is still harmful (www.coactus.com)
- Validation considered harmful (www.coactus.com)
- Dive Into Accessibility (diveintoaccessibility.org)
- ICANN may be looking for immunity from U.S. law (news.com)
- Google’s wrist slapped for “airbrushing history” (tech.monstersandcritics.com)
- Hot or Not Goes Free (gigaom.com)
- Web 2.0 is vulnerable to attack (www.cbronline.com)
- House panel: Why did Google 'airbrush history?' (www.cnn.com)
- Wagging The Journalist Tail (www.loosewireblog.com)
- Call for a Blogger's Code of Conduct (radar.oreilly.com)
- Failed vs. Unfailed redesigns of newspaper websites (www.456bereastreet.com)
- Why the Semantic Web Will Fail (halfanhour.blogspot.com)
- Microsoft tells MVPs "we're in it to win" -- Really? (scobleizer.com)
- Broadcast Denied (PBS)
- Make or Break for the Semantic Web? (iandavis.com)
- Journal Migration I: export entries from (www.dehora.net)
- An Easier Legacy (blog.ianbicking.org)
- Adriaan de Jonge: XForms vs. Ruby on Rails (adriaandej.blogspot.com)
- the application delivery network » Bloggers != Journalists (www.theapplicationdeliverynetwork.com)
- Blogging for dollars raises questions - baltimoresun.com (www.baltimoresun.com)
- Does Your ISP Sell Your Internet History? Help 27B Investigate (blog.wired.com)
- Speakeasy acquired by Best Buy (arstechnica.com)
- Does User Annoyance Matter? (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox) (www.useit.com)
- NPR : IRS Urges E-Filing — But by Vendors Only, Please (www.npr.org)
- Google's Next-Gen of Sneakernet (Wired)
- Finding your Google twin can be a strange obsession (www.chron.com)
- Court Rejects Law Limiting Online Pornography (New York Times)
- Blogs turn 10--who's the father? (news.com)
- SuperGu Copyrights Pligg Code, Sends C&D (pligg.blogspot.com)
- Colorado Woman Sues To Hold Web Crawlers To Contracts (www.informationweek.com)
- Negative Reactions to Microsoft attack on Google at the AAP (radar.oreilly.com)
- Why Open is Good and How Open Could Be Good for Flash (redmonk.com)
- Your ISP may be selling your web clicks (arstechnica.com)
- 'Yahoo Betrayed My Husband' (Wired)
- The birth of AJAX - an amazing story (techtracer.com)
- Parsing XML... backwards? (www.oreillynet.com)
- Official Google Blog: Taking steps to further improve our privacy practices (googleblog.blogspot.com)
- Open Access Launches Journal Wars (Wired)
- China to expand "Great Internet Firewall" (www.breitbart.com)
- Shooting XML (worsethanfailure.com)
- 'Do the Right Thing' (computerworld.com)
- ISO will put Open XML on fast track unchanged (www.groklaw.net)
- Prepay and Pay More With Earthlink (www.gripe2ed.com)
- Does Google Index Dynamic JavaScripted Content? (www.brainhandles.com)
- Wikia plans editable Web search engine (www.insidebayarea.com)
- Can outing an anonymous blogger be justified? (www.networkworld.com)
- Study: Abandoning net neutrality discourages improvements in service (news.ufl.edu)
- Off the shelf (The Guardian)
- Stop Rolling Your Own CSV Parser! (secretgeek.net)
- REST: the quick pitch (www.megginson.com)
- Thinking about structure (www.megginson.com)
- Freebase Will Prove Addictive (radar.oreilly.com)
- Brendan's Roadmap Updates: The non-world non-wide non-web (weblogs.mozillazine.org)
- Toward HTML 6.0: W3C to Pursue Next Web Language (www.betanews.com)
- An Open Letter to Steve Jobs (defectivebydesign.com)
- Top 10 Firefox Extensions to Improve your Productivity - lifehack.org (www.lifehack.org)
- Google’s new XHTML mobile reformatter (thebogles.com)
- Stations agree on anti-payola settlement (www.chron.com)
- Macworld: News: France bans citizen journalists from reporting violence (www.macworld.com)
- Tip: Configure Apache to send the right MIME type for XHTML (IBM DeveloperWorks)
- Vivek Pandey's Blog: What happened to JAX-WS 2.1 RI download? (weblogs.java.net)
- Programming With the Java XML Digital Signature API (java.sun.com)
- Retooling Slashdot with Web Standards (alistapart.com)
- Where Our Standards Went Wrong (alistapart.com)
- A History Department Bans Citing Wikipedia as a Research Source (New York Times)
- Mac Office users were Microsoft 'guinea pigs' (www.macworld.co.uk)
- Novell drives nail into Microsoft Office coffin (www.itwire.com.au)
- Where is XML Going? (UnderstandingXML) (www.understandingxml.com)
- Matt Mullenweg (www.digital-web.com)
- Changing the Web at 21 (natewhitehill.com)
- YADAC: Yet Another Debate About Cloaking Happens Again (searchengineland.com)
- Adding Multimedia in Web Documents (www.webstandards.org)
- When is a standard not a standard? (www.freesoftwaremagazine.com)
- Essjay's world (www.roughtype.com)
- Of ICANN and the Registerfly meltdown (The Register)
- Google’s Lasnik Wishes "NoFollow Didn’t Exist" (www.marketingpilgrim.com)
- Http Multiparts and the case of the missing CRLF (www.stucharlton.com)
- Upcoming PHP release will offer Unicode support (programming.linux.com)
- Hunting Down Digg's Bury Brigade (Wired)
- I Bought Votes on Digg (Wired)
- For startups, failure can be a good thing (money.cnn.com)
- The New Yorker : fact : content (www.newyorker.com)
- Using Safari can slow your system down as much as 76% vs Firefox (macenstein.com)
- Grammar.police (grammarpolice.net)
- Firefox 3.0 will open door to Web apps, Mozilla says (www.macworld.com)
- Announcing RSSOwl 2.0 (www.rssowl.org)
- Acrobat Activation Agonies (www.gripe2ed.com)
- Life-Long Computer Skills (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox) (www.useit.com)
- Which Videos Are Protected? Lawmakers Get a Lesson (New York Times)
- Gift Economy or Honeymoon? (radar.oreilly.com)
- Anil Dash: The Essentials of Web 2.0 Your Event Doesn't Cover (www.dashes.com)
- Gender diversity at web conferences (kottke.org) (www.kottke.org)
- There Ain't No Such Thing as a Free Lunch - Jim Baen's Universe (preview.baens-universe.com)
- A connected world proves no threat to tyrants (The Guardian)
- Bye Bye Embed (www.alistapart.com)
- A List Apart: Articles: Printing a Book with CSS: Boom! (www.alistapart.com)
- Microsoft's amusing standards stance (news.com)
- Lawmaker Probes TSA Website Gaffe (Wired)
- SJSXP 1.0.1 available from Java.net (weblogs.java.net)
- STREST (Service-Trampled REST) Will Break Web 2.0 (duncan-cragg.org)
- Egyptian blogger jailed for insulting Islam (news.com)
- Xerox reveals transient documents (www.pcpro.co.uk)
- Shared Hosting Support Showdown (www.hostseeq.com)
- Safari gains browser share, as Firefox dips (www.macworld.com)
- Vista security overview: too little too late (The Register)
- Maybe We Deserve to Be Ripped Off By Bush's Billionaires (www.alternet.org)
- US copyright lobby out-of-touch (BBC)
- Web 2.0 ... The Machine is Us/ing Us (www.youtube.com)
- techno.blog("Dion"): Knowing that the link will be opened in the same window, a new tab, or new window (www.almaer.com)
- Web Browser CSS Support (www.webdevout.net)
- Debtors Search for Discipline via Blogs (New York Times)
- XML.com: Introducing RDFa (www.xml.com)
- Comcast Customer Uses "Unlimited Service" Excessively, Gets Disconnected For A Year (www.consumerist.com)
- Wikipedia's Wales: Damn the advertising, full speed ahead! (arstechnica.com)
- The Story of Sergey Brin (www.momentmag.com)
- BBC wins OK for online plans, runs vote for Mac support - Digital Lifestyle - Macworld UK (www.macworld.co.uk)
- U.S. senator: It's time to ban Wikipedia in schools, libraries (www.computerworld.com)
- This is your Mac on drugs (blogs.smugmug.com)
- SOA Facts (www.soafacts.com)
- SCO Vs. Blogger (www.forbes.com)
- BBC explains decision to go with Microsoft DRM (arstechnica.com)
- The end of online anonymity (www.msnbc.msn.com)
- How to: Escape Google’s Supplemental Index (tropicalseo.com)
- Firefox Site Gets a Relaunch (Wired)
- Comparison - HTML Purifier (hp.jpsband.org)
- Government Agencies and Non-Profits: ROI From Usability? (www.useit.com)
- The Ecstasy of Influence (Harpers.org) (www.harpers.org)
- Pirated Software's Problem - Security (www.darkreading.com)
- Paper is dead - has PDF followed suit? (www.freesoftwaremagazine.com)
- Firefox 3 To Support Offline Apps (www.readwriteweb.com)
- Multi-Column Layouts Climb Out of the Box (alistapart.com)
- Our goal is to manage the transition from print to internet (www.haaretz.com)
- XUL-Enhanced Web Apps (www.xml.com)
- Jailed blogger hits record as supporters rally (news.com)
- GOP revives ISP-tracking legislation (news.com)
- Boston LED terror scare: a message to the media (www.boingboing.net)
- Consumer - Magazines vs. The Web: End of an Era (consumer.hardocp.com)
- O'Reilly Radar > What We Really Sell to Our Customers is Control (radar.oreilly.com)
- Bud.tv Tastes Stale, Flat (newteevee.com)
- Web Developers: 13 Command Line Tricks You Might Not Know (www.seomoz.org)
- Position Paper For the Workshop on Web of Services for Enterprise Computing (www.w3.org)
- Consumers Have Allies on the Web (New York Times)
- Who’s Attacking an Online Marxist Archive? China Is Suspected of Trying to Block Access to Texts (New York Times)
- Study Finds Security Flaws on Web Sites of Major Banks (New York Times)
- A Long (New York Times)
- IE 7 gives secure Web sites the green light (news.com)
- Netscape Announces Cross-Platform Netscape 9 to be Developed In-House - MozillaZine Talkback (www.mozillazine.org)
- Microsoft XML Team's WebLog : XSLT 2.0 (blogs.msdn.com)
- Shrinkwrap Licenses: An Epidemic Of Lawsuits Waiting To Happen (www.informationweek.com)
- Google sought to silence politicians while seeking tax breaks (news.com)
- Ten Tell-Tale Signs of a Lazy Webmaster/Designer (forum.programming-designs.com)
- Quick Start Your Design with XHTML Templates (particletree.com)
- Microsoft Releases Open XML Translator, Begins Next Phase of Project (www.eweek.com)
- I, Cringely . The Pulpit . WYSIWYB (PBS)
- Survey: Are domain registrars free-speech friendly? (news.com)
- BBC's download plans get backing (BBC)
- Hybridizing Java (Artima)
- XMLUnit Progress (stefan.samaflost.de)
- History Teacher Becomes Podcast Celebrity (New York Times)
- Google's Bosworth: Why AJAX Failed (Then Succeeded) (www.eweek.com)
- How to nab free T-Mobile WiFi lovin' without running Vista (www.engadget.com)
- Tracking the Russian Scammers (Wired)
- SECOND LIFE: Put your money on World of Warcraft - Valleywag (valleywag.com)
- SD Times - Give It a REST (www.sdtimes.com)
- The press manufactures John Kerry's tears (mediamatters.org)
- Priceline, Travelocity, and Cingular fined for using adware (pressesc.com)
- I Was a Cybercrook for the FBI (Wired)
- Apple pays $700,000 for bloggers' legal fees (www.macnn.com)
- Ten Government Hacks (radar.oreilly.com)
- David Orchard's Theory of Compatible Versions (www.oreillynet.com)
- A Theory of Compatible Versions (www.xml.com)
- Wishlists, Gift Certificates, and Gift Giving in E-Commerce (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox) (www.useit.com)
- Adobe looks to have full PDF spec become ISO standard (www.macworld.com)
- Revealed: how eBay sellers fix auctions (www.timesonline.co.uk)
- Adobe to release PDF to ISO « Scobleizer (scobleizer.com)
- Scoble: Throwing himself under busses so I don’t have to. (blogs.smugmug.com)
- Feeding Frenzy for a Big Story, Even if It’s False (New York Times)
China censorship damaged us, Google founders admit (The Guardian)
- Oh Brother Where Art Thou? (PBS)
- Forbes Thinks Web Photographers Don't Matter (thomashawk.com)
- PR's 'pit bull' takes on open access - Journal publishers lock horns with free-information movement. (www.nature.com)
- MySpace Allegedly Kills Computer Security Website (blog.wired.com)
- Google Kills Bush's Miserable Failure Search & Other Google Bombs (searchengineland.com)
- Will 'unlocked' cell phones free consumers? (news.com)
- SECOND LIFE: Virtual world's supposed economy is 'a pyramid scheme' - Valleywag (valleywag.com)
- The Web Celeb 25 - Forbes.com (www.forbes.com)
- XForms in Firefox (IBM DeveloperWorks)
- Groupware Bad (www.jwz.org)
- Master Foo and the naming ceremony (www.itworld.com)
- Serious Eats: The Power of Food Blogging (www.seriouseats.com)
- Searching for Openness in Microsoft's OOXML and Finding Contradictions (www.groklaw.net)
- Six thousand pages, one month, no chance... (community.zdnet.co.uk)
- A most ingenious paradox: make 1900 a leap year? (www.oreillynet.com)
- Microsoft Office Open XML (en.wikipedia.org)
- An interesting offer: get paid to contribute to Wikipedia (www.oreillynet.com)
- The Contradictory Nature of OOXML (www.consortiuminfo.org)
- Riding Rails: Rails 1.2: REST admiration, HTTP lovefest, and UTF-8 celebrations (weblog.rubyonrails.org)
- On Linking (www.tbray.org)
- Google plots e-books coup - Sunday Times - Times Online (www.timesonline.co.uk)
- Website offers whistleblowers chance to go global - Technology - smh.com.au (www.smh.com.au)
- The 7 hidden pages within your Firefox browser » Our Picks - News, articles and reviews (www.our-picks.com)
- 53 CSS-Techniques You Couldn’t Live Without | Smashing Magazine (www.smashingmagazine.com)
- When Being a Verb is Not Enough (PBS)
- Computer to TV ? .Shouldn't it be the Other Way ? - Blog Maverick (www.blogmaverick.com)
- Web Sites Challenge the Textbook Goliaths (www.businessweek.com)
- Fierce Battle Brewing Over Network Neutrality (www.voip-news.com)
- Max Design - Ideal line length for content (www.maxdesign.com.au)
- Max Design - Liquid layouts the easy way (www.maxdesign.com.au)
- AdSense Competitive Ads and Services Policy just got a lot tighter for publishers - JenSense.com (www.jensense.com)
- Why Joost Is Good for TV (Wired)
- YouTube - John Hodgman and Jon Stewart explain Net Neutrality (www.youtube.com)
- Despite 100 Million IE 7 Installs, Microsoft's Browser Still Loses Ground - News by InformationWeek (www.informationweek.com)
- How Yahoo Blew It (Wired)
- If your product key is stolen, part 2 - Office Watch (news.office-watch.com)
- Yahoo Using Dirty Tactics to Switch Google & Firefox Users? (www.marketingpilgrim.com)
- Forget Neutrality — Keep Packets Private (gigaom.com)
- Microsoft takes email design back 5 years (www.campaignmonitor.com)
- MS Office for Mac On the Way (Wired)
- A case of suspected fraud « Jon Udell (blog.jonudell.net)
- Firefox 3 Plans and IE8 Speculation - Browsers Heading Apart Again (www.readwriteweb.com)
- Planned features for Firefox 3 (mozillalinks.org)
- MPAA Caught Uploading Fake Torrents at TorrentFreak (torrentfreak.com)
- Firms Fret as Office E (New York Times)
- To delete Wikipedia entry or not to delete? (news.com)
- Paypal Doesn't Want Slain Soldiers' Families To Receive Aid - Deadspin (www.deadspin.com)
- Hoosier Musings in Big Sky Country: Libraries are dangerous places (janellen.blogspot.com)
- 3quarksdaily (3quarksdaily.blogs.com)
The Jackson 45 - a new search angle for Google (The Guardian)
- IE7 Web Developers Nightmare (it-gears.blogspot.com)
- Daily Kos: State of the Nation (www.dailykos.com)
- » Blogger Lets You Use Your Own Domain (google.blognewschannel.com)
- Does AdSense Suck for Bloggers? (www.problogger.net)
- Copyrights and Congress (New York Times)
- Attack of the zombie computers is a growing threat (news.com)
- \Just Cancel the @#%$* Account! (www.pcworld.com)
- The legal rights to your 'Second Life' avatar (news.com)
- Network Performance Daily - Network Performance Blog : Network Neutrality Debate: A Case for Non-Neutrality (www.networkperformancedaily.com)
- MS Fights to Own Your Office Docs (Wired)
- Fix Your Site With the Right DOCTYPE! (alistapart.com)
- All markup ends up looking like XML (www.megginson.com)
- The XQuery Chimera Takes Center Stage (www.xml.com)
- JSON vs. XML: Browser Security Model (www.25hoursaday.com)
- In praise of architecture astronauts (www.megginson.com)
- An Antic Disposition: How to hire Guillaume Portes (www.robweir.com)
- MS Winning Office Doc Battle (Wired)
- Amazon's secret price guarantee! (slate.com)
- About URI Templates (blog.welldesignedurls.org)
- The Mozilla Foundation: Achieving Sustainability (weblogs.mozillazine.org)
- Google Answer to Filling Jobs Is an Algorithm (New York Times)
- HD disk format wars are over (www.theinquirer.net)
- Hello, Grisham -- So Long, Hemingway? (Washington Post)
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